- Span (l): 3.3 m
- Live Load (L.L.) and Floor Finish (F.F.): 4 KN/m²
- Modification Factor (M.F.): 1.2
1. Design Constants:
- Yield strength of steel (fy): 415 N/mm²
- Characteristic compressive strength of concrete (fck): 20 N/mm²
- Maximum depth of neutral axis (Xu max): 0.48d
- Ultimate moment of resistance (Mu lim): 0.138 fck b d²
2. Estimation of Slab Thickness:
Assuming 10 mm Ø main bars and nominal cover as 20 mm:
3. Effective Span:
4. Load Calculations (considering 1 m wide strip):
Factored load:
5. Factored (Design) Maximum Bending Moment:
6. Required Overall Depth and Effective Depth:
Equating to :
Provide and
7. Area of Main Steel:
Spacing of Main Reinforcement
a) Calculating Spacing ()
Spacing = 225 mm c/c (rounded to nearest standard size)
b) 3d Calculation
c) Minimum Spacing
Ast provided
8. Area and Spacing of Distribution Steel:
Step 1: Calculate the Minimum Area of Distribution Steel (Astmin)
Step 2: Determine the Spacing of 6 mm Diameter Mild Steel Distribution Bars
Calculate Spacing (S)
Step 3: Check Maximum Allowable Spacing
Given Maximum Spacing
Therefore, the minimum spacing calculated is 114.22 mm, approximated to 110 mm.
Provide 6 mm diameter distribution bars at 110 mm center-to-center.
9. Reinforcement Details: