VEE-BEE Consistometer Test

VEE-BEE Consistometer Test 


  • Purpose: The VEE-BEE Consistometer Test is designed to measure the consistency and workability of fresh concrete.
  • Key Concept: The test assesses the relative effort required to transform the shape of a concrete mix from a conical form into a cylindrical form using vibration.

Instruments and Equipment

  • Container: Cylindrical container for holding the concrete sample.
  • Cone: Slump cone to shape the concrete into a conical form.
  • Vibration Table: A mechanical table that provides consistent vibration to the concrete sample.
  • Measuring Device: Typically a stopwatch to measure the time taken for the concrete to remold from a cone to a cylinder.

Test Procedure

  1. Preparation:

    • Fill the slump cone with concrete and remove the cone carefully.
    • Place the conical concrete sample on the vibration table.
  2. Execution:

    • Start the vibration and simultaneously start the stopwatch.
    • Observe the concrete as it transitions from conical to cylindrical shape.
  3. Measurement:

    • Record the time taken for the concrete to change shape completely.

Results Interpretation

  • VEE-BEE Consistency Time:
    • The time recorded is known as the VEE-BEE Consistency Time.
    • Lower VEE-BEE Time indicates higher workability.
    • Higher VEE-BEE Time suggests lower workability.

Formulas and Calculations

  • No specific formulas are directly provided in the text, but it's critical to understand the VEE-BEE Time as a direct measure of workability.


  • Concrete Quality Control: Ensuring uniform workability and consistency in fresh concrete mixes.
  • Construction: Useful in assessing how easy it will be to work with concrete on construction sites, particularly for tasks requiring various shapes and forms.

These notes should help in understanding the essential aspects and procedures involved in the VEE-BEE Consistometer Test.

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