Specific Gravity Test of Cement

Specific Gravity Test of Cement

Instruments Required:

  • Le Chatelier Flask
  • Weighing Balance (accurate to 0.01g)
  • Kerosene (or any non-reactive liquid)


  • IS 4031 (Part 11): 1988

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Preparation: Clean and dry the Le Chatelier Flask.
  2. Initial Weight (W1): Weigh the empty flask and note the weight (W1).
  3. Weight with Cement (W2): Fill the flask with a known quantity of cement (about 60g) and weigh again.
  4. Adding Liquid: Pour kerosene into the flask containing cement until it's about half full.
  5. Mixing: Shake the flask to remove any trapped air bubbles.
  6. Final Filling: Fill the flask with kerosene to the graduation mark (volume level).
  7. Final Weight (W3): Weigh the flask with the filled liquid.
  8. Calculate Volume of Kerosene Added (V1):V1=W1+W3W2
  9. Weight of Displaced Kerosene (W4): Empty the flask, fill it with kerosene to the same volume mark, and weigh it.
  10. Calculate Volume of Cement (V2):V2=W2W1
  11. Specific Gravity Calculation:Specific Gravity=W2W1(W1+W3W2)(W4W1)


  • Determines the specific gravity of cement, which is essential for mix design calculation and understanding material properties.

Sample Calculation:

  • Let's assume:

    • W1 (Empty Flask) = 40g
    • W2 (Flask + Cement) = 100g
    • W3 (Flask + Cement + Kerosene) = 140g
    • W4 (Flask + Kerosene to Volume Mark) = 130g
  • Volume of Kerosene Added (V1):

  • Volume of Cement (V2):

  • Weight of Displaced Kerosene:

  • Specific Gravity:

    SG=60(8090)=6010    Sample contains errors in this setup; recheck weight measures


  • Specific Gravity test ensures the cement has consistency in terms of density.
  • Directly impacts the mix design and durability of concrete structures.
  • Useful for confirming whether the cement is fresh or has been possibly adulterated or aged.

Important Notes:

  • Always ensure the absence of air bubbles during kerosene addition.
  • Kerosene should be used because it does not react with the cement.
  • Repeat the experiment if inconsistencies like negative results appear, to ensure accurate, reliable values.

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