Impact Echo Test of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Hardened Concrete

Impact Echo Test of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Hardened Concrete


  • Impact Echo Test is a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method used to evaluate the condition of hardened concrete.
  • It is specified in Indian standards.
  • Key for detecting flaws such as cracks, voids, delaminations, and other defects within concrete structures.

Principle of Impact Echo Test

  • Based on the stress-wave propagation through concrete.
  • Stress waves generated by a short-duration mechanical impact (usually a hammer or an automated tapping device).
  • Waves reflect back from any anomalies within the concrete.
  • Receiver (transducer) measures the time of flight and amplitude of the reflected waves.


  1. Impact device (hammer, steel sphere, or mechanical impactor).
  2. Transducers (sensors) for detecting the stress waves.
  3. Data acquisition system.
  4. Computer for analysis and interpretation of data.

Test Methodology

  • Clean and prepare the concrete surface.
  • Place transducers at predetermined locations.
  • Apply impact using the impact device.
  • Record the stress waves with the transducers.
  • Analyze the received signals to identify reflections from internal defects.

Key Concepts and Formulas

  • Stress wave propagation speed: V=Eρ(1μ2)

    • V: Stress wave velocity
    • E: Modulus of elasticity
    • ρ: Density of concrete
    • μ: Poisson's ratio
  • Frequency equation for detecting defects: f=V2×d

    • f: Dominant frequency
    • d: Thickness of concrete or distance to defect

Calculation Steps

  1. Measure the distance between transmitter and receiver.
  2. Calculate the velocity of stress waves in concrete.
  3. Determine the dominant frequency of reflected waves.
  4. Use the formula d=V2×f to find depth of defect.
  5. Interpret the results to evaluate the condition of concrete.


  • Assessing structural integrity of concrete bridges, buildings, and pavements.
  • Locating hidden flaws like delaminations, voids, and honeycombing.
  • Evaluating concrete cover and thickness.
  • Quality control during and after concrete construction.


  • Non-destructive and does not cause any damage to the structure.
  • Quick and efficient.
  • Can be used on-site without specialized laboratory equipment.


  • Requires skilled operator knowledge for correct interpretation.
  • Surface conditions and presence of steel reinforcements can affect results.
  • Less effective on highly heterogeneous concrete.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Ensure strong coupling between transducers and concrete surface.
  • Use appropriate frequency ranges for different depths and conditions.
  • Cross-check results with other NDT methods for accurate assessment.

Summary Impact Echo Test provides a reliable, non-invasive way to assess the integrity of hardened concrete. Understanding the basic principles, equipment, methodology, calculations, and applications will help effectively use this technique according to Indian standards.

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