Factors Affecting Shrinkage of Hardened Concrete

Factors Affecting Shrinkage of Hardened Concrete 

Water-Cement Ratio:

  • Higher water-cement ratio increases shrinkage.
  • Lower water-cement ratio reduces shrinkage due to decreased capillary porosity.

Aggregate Characteristics:

  • Quality and quantity of aggregates significantly influence shrinkage.
  • Larger aggregate sizes reduce shrinkage by restraining the movement of the cement paste.
  • Aggregate type (e.g., lightweight vs. dense) affects the extent of shrinkage.

Cement Content:

  • Greater cement content generally leads to increased shrinkage.
  • Lower cement content can mitigate shrinkage effects.

Environmental Conditions:

  • Rapid loss of moisture in hot and dry environments accelerates shrinkage.
  • Humid conditions slow down the shrinkage process.

Curing Practices:

  • Proper curing reduces early-age shrinkage.
  • Lack of adequate curing increases shrinkage due to faster moisture loss.

Mixture Proportions:

  • Proportions of different materials (e.g., sand, gravel) impact shrinkage rates.
  • Balanced mix designs help control shrinkage.


  • Use of chemical admixtures, such as shrinkage-reducing agents, can control and reduce shrinkage.
  • Admixtures influence the hydration process and moisture movement.

Concrete Member Size and Shape:

  • Thicker members shrink less than thinner ones because of the lower surface-area-to-volume ratio.
  • Complex shapes may experience differential shrinkage, leading to cracking.

Stress History:

  • Preloaded or prestressed concrete exhibits different shrinkage characteristics.
  • Previous loads can affect the micro-structure and alter the shrinkage pattern.


  • Shrinkage occurs over time and is typically more significant in the early stages (first few months).
  • Long-term shrinkage can be substantially lower but continues over years.

Summary: Shrinkage in hardened concrete is influenced by multiple factors including mix proportions, environmental conditions, and curing practices. Understanding and controlling these factors is essential for minimizing potential shrinkage and ensuring the durability and integrity of concrete structures.

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