Extra-rapid Hardening Portland Cement

Extra-rapid Hardening Portland Cement

Definition and Properties:

  • Extra-rapid hardening Portland cement is a type of cement that sets and gains strength more quickly than ordinary Portland cement.
  • This rapid hardening is typically achieved by increasing the fineness of the cement particles and adding other chemical accelerators.


  • Time-sensitive constructions: Ideal for construction projects that require quick turnaround times, such as road repairs and emergency repairs.
  • Cold weather concreting: Effective in low temperatures where faster setting times are advantageous.
  • Precast concrete: Beneficial for manufacturing precast concrete products where quicker demolding times are necessary.


  • Reduced construction time: Allows for faster progress and completion of construction projects.
  • Early strength gain: Structures and pavements can be put into service sooner.
  • Improved workability in cold weather: Can be used effectively in colder climates without the risk of delayed setting.

Comparison with Other Types of Cement:

  • Finer particle size: Compared to ordinary Portland cement, which helps achieve rapid hardening.
  • Chemical additives: Presence of chemical accelerators to facilitate rapid setting and hardening.


  • Cost: Typically more expensive than ordinary Portland cement due to the added manufacturing processes and materials.
  • Specific uses: Not always the best choice for all types of construction, especially where a standard curing time is sufficient or desirable.


Extra-rapid hardening Portland cement is a specialized material designed to provide quick setting and strength gain, offering significant benefits for certain applications but also carrying considerations regarding cost and suitability for specific projects.

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