Core Test of Hardened Concrete as per Indian Standard

Core Test of Hardened Concrete as per Indian Standard

Key Points and Concepts

  1. Purpose of Core Testing:

    • Assess the compressive strength and quality of hardened concrete.
    • Verify the integrity of concrete in existing structures.
  2. Standards and Guidelines:

    • Follow guidelines provided in IS 516 (1959): "Method of Tests for Strength of Concrete."
    • Refer to IS 456: "Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete."
  3. Core Sampling:

    • Cores are extracted using diamond-studded core drilling machines.
    • Standard core diameter: At least three times the nominal maximum size of the aggregate.
    • Length-to-diameter ratio of the core: Preferably between 1.0 and 2.0.
  4. Testing Procedure:

    • Preparation:
      • Ensure the core ends are smooth and perpendicular to the axis.
    • Measurement:
      • Measure diameter and length of the core to calculate the aspect ratio.
    • Loading:
      • Apply load continuously and without shock.
      • Note the failure load.
  5. Formula for Compressive Strength:

    Compressive Strength(MPa)=Failure Load(N)Cross-sectional Area(mm2)
  6. Calculations:

    • Adjust for the length-to-diameter ratio if it deviates from the standard.
    • Apply correction factors for cores taken from in-place concrete.
  7. Assessment:

    • Compare the test results with specified concrete strength requirements.
    • Analyze any discrepancies to determine the cause (e.g., poor compaction, inadequate curing).
  8. Factors Affecting Results:

    • Moisture condition of the core.
    • Age of the concrete.
    • Method of drilling and core extraction.
  9. Reporting:

    • Include details: Core identification, location, depth, dimensions, moisture condition, and failure load.
    • Provide calculated compressive strength values and any applied correction factors.

Important Formulas

  • Compressive Strength Calculation:fcore=PAWhere:
    • fcore = Compressive strength of the core (MPa)
    • P = Failure load (N)
    • A = Cross-sectional area of the core (mm²)

Remember to ensure that all core tests and calculations are aligned with the relevant Indian Standards to maintain accuracy and reliability in the assessment of hardened concrete.

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