Classification of Admixtures

Classification of Admixtures

Admixtures are materials other than water, aggregates, and cement that are added to concrete to enhance its properties.

Classification of Admixtures

  1. Chemical Admixtures

    • Water Reducing Admixtures (Plasticizers): Reduce water content and maintain workability.
    • Superplasticizers (High-Range Water Reducers): Provide high fluidity with lower water content.
    • Accelerators: Speed up the setting time and strength gain.
    • Retarders: Slow down the setting time, useful in hot weather.
    • Air-Entraining Admixtures: Introduce air bubbles to improve frost resistance and workability.
    • Waterproofing Admixtures: Reduce water permeability and ingress.
  2. Mineral Admixtures

    • Fly Ash: Improves workability, reduces heat of hydration, enhances long-term strength.
    • Silica Fume: Increases strength, reduces permeability.
    • Slag Cement (Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag): Enhances durability, reduces heat of hydration.
    • Natural Pozzolans: Improve long-term strength and durability.
    • Metakaolin: Enhances strength, reduces porosity.

Benefits of Admixtures

  • Enhance workability and consistency.
  • Improve strength and durability.
  • Increase resistance to harsh environmental conditions.
  • Provide specific properties like rapid setting, reduced shrinkage, and decreased permeability.
  • Economical by reducing the cement content required for specific strength levels.


  • Construction in extreme weather conditions.
  • Infrastructure requiring high durability.
  • Specialized constructions like underwater concreting or mass concreting.

Key Takeaway

  • Admixtures are crucial for optimizing concrete performance and addressing specific construction needs.
  • Choice of admixtures depends on desired properties, environmental conditions, and the specific requirements of the project.

These notes provide a clear understanding of the types and benefits of admixtures in concrete work, essential for effective study and application in construction projects.

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