Air Entraining Admixtures

Air Entraining Admixtures

Key Points:

  1. Definition:

    • Air Entraining Admixtures are additives used in concrete to introduce and stabilize tiny air bubbles within the mix.
  2. Purpose and Benefits:

    • Improved Workability: Enhances the plasticity and cohesion of wet concrete.
    • Durability: Increases the concrete's resistance to freeze-thaw cycles.
    • Reduction in Bleeding and Segregation: Helps in maintaining a uniform mix and reducing water separation.
    • Enhanced Resistance to Weathering: Protects against scaling caused by de-icing chemicals.
  3. Types of Air Entraining Admixtures:

    • Natural Wood Resins: Early types like Vinsol resin.
    • Synthetic Detergents: Modern alternatives for more precise air control.
  4. Mechanism:

    • These admixtures work by stabilizing the air bubbles formed during mixing, preventing them from merging and escaping from the concrete.
  5. Applications:

    • Primarily used in structures exposed to harsh weather conditions like pavements, runways, and bridges.
    • Beneficial in lightweight concrete where air voids are necessary for weight reduction.
  6. Considerations:

    • Dosage: Careful control of the amount used is crucial to avoid excessive air entrainment which can weaken the concrete.
    • Compatibility: Must be compatible with other concrete components including cement types, water reducers, and plasticizers.


Air Entraining Admixtures play a vital role in enhancing the durability and workability of concrete by introducing stable air bubbles. They protect concrete from freeze-thaw damage, reduce segregation, and improve resistance to de-icing chemicals. Essential for conditions requiring high durability, their proper dosage and compatibility with other concrete ingredients are essential for optimal performance.

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