Window Sills Quantity Takeoff Calculator

Window Sills Quantity Takeoff Calculator

Window Sills Quantity Takeoff Calculator

Prepared By: Parag Kamlakar Pal - Owner of

Detailed Calculation

To determine the total quantity of window sills required, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Parameters:
    • Window Width (W): The horizontal dimension of the window.
    • Sill Width (SW): The horizontal dimension of the sill.
    • Number of Windows (N): The total number of windows requiring sills.
  2. Calculation Formula:
    1. Sill Length (L): This is the same as the window width.
      L = W
    2. Sill Area (A):
      A = L × SW
    3. Total Sill Area for All Windows (TA):
      TA = A × N
  3. Example Calculation:
    • Window Width (W) = 1.5 meters
    • Sill Width (SW) = 0.3 meters
    • Number of Windows (N) = 10
    • Sill Length (L):
      L = 1.5 meters
    • Sill Area (A):
      A = 1.5 × 0.3 = 0.45 square meters
    • Total Sill Area (TA):
      TA = 0.45 × 10 = 4.5 square meters


Total Sill Area: 0 square meters

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