PMP Exam - Lead a team -Determine an appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, collaborative)

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PMP Conflict Resolution Quiz
PMP Practice Questions
Question 1: A project manager is facing a team that is highly experienced and motivated but is struggling with unclear project goals. What is the most appropriate leadership style to use?
A) Directive
B) Collaborative
C) Coaching
D) Laissez-Faire
Explanation: When dealing with a team that is experienced but has unclear goals, a collaborative leadership style is best. This style involves working together to clarify goals and align them with the team's expertise.
Question 2: During a project, the team is not meeting deadlines due to lack of direction. What leadership style should the project manager adopt to improve performance?
A) Laissez-Faire
B) Directive
C) Supportive
D) Participative
Explanation: A directive leadership style is appropriate when the team is not meeting deadlines because it involves providing clear instructions and expectations to improve performance.
Question 3: A project team is facing conflicts and disagreements about the project approach. What leadership style is best for resolving these issues?
A) Collaborative
B) Directive
C) Autocratic
D) Laissez-Faire
Explanation: Collaborative leadership is effective in resolving conflicts and disagreements as it encourages open communication and collective problem-solving.
Question 4: In a project with tight deadlines and high stakes, which leadership style would be most effective?
A) Coaching
B) Laissez-Faire
C) Directive
D) Participative
Explanation: A directive style is effective in high-pressure situations with tight deadlines, as it provides clear instructions and keeps the team focused on the tasks.
Question 5: A project manager wants to empower team members to take ownership of their tasks and decisions. What leadership style should they use?
A) Directive
B) Laissez-Faire
C) Coaching
D) Supportive
Explanation: The laissez-faire style allows team members the freedom to make their own decisions and take ownership, which empowers them and encourages responsibility.
Question 6: When working with a newly formed team that lacks cohesion, what leadership style should a project manager choose?
A) Directive
B) Collaborative
C) Laissez-Faire
D) Supportive
Explanation: A supportive leadership style helps new teams by providing encouragement and resources, helping them to build cohesion and confidence.
Question 7: If a project team is highly skilled and self-sufficient but needs occasional guidance, which leadership style is appropriate?
A) Directive
B) Collaborative
C) Laissez-Faire
D) Autocratic
Explanation: For a highly skilled and self-sufficient team, the laissez-faire style allows team members to work independently while offering occasional guidance as needed.
Question 8: A project manager needs to address a team's low morale and lack of motivation. Which leadership style should be employed?
A) Directive
B) Laissez-Faire
C) Supportive
D) Autocratic
Explanation: A supportive leadership style can help improve morale and motivation by providing encouragement and addressing individual and team concerns.
Question 9: For a project involving cross-functional teams, which leadership style promotes effective collaboration and integration?
A) Directive
B) Collaborative
C) Laissez-Faire
D) Autocratic
Explanation: Collaborative leadership promotes effective teamwork and integration across cross-functional teams by encouraging communication and cooperation.
Question 10: If a team is struggling with a lack of clarity about their roles, which leadership style would help the most?
A) Directive
B) Supportive
C) Collaborative
D) Laissez-Faire
Explanation: A directive leadership style is effective for providing clear instructions and defining roles, which helps alleviate confusion and improve performance.
Question 11: The project manager decides to ignore a minor conflict between two team members, hoping it will resolve on its own. Which conflict resolution technique is being applied?
A) Forcing
B) Collaborating
C) Avoiding
D) Accommodating
Explanation: Avoiding is when the conflict is ignored or avoided, with the hope that it will resolve without direct intervention.
Question 12: A project manager notices that team members are becoming disengaged. What leadership style should be adopted to re-engage them?
A) Directive
B) Laissez-Faire
C) Supportive
D) Autocratic
Explanation: Adopting a supportive leadership style can help re-engage disengaged team members by addressing their concerns and providing encouragement.
Question 13: For a project involving cross-functional teams, which leadership style promotes effective collaboration and integration?
A) Directive
B) Collaborative
C) Laissez-Faire
D) Autocratic
Explanation: Collaborative leadership promotes effective teamwork and integration across cross-functional teams by encouraging communication and cooperation.
Question 14: When leading a team through a complex project with high risk, which leadership style ensures that tasks are clearly defined and monitored?
A) Supportive
B) Collaborative
C) Directive
D) Laissez-Faire
Explanation: A directive leadership style is suitable for complex, high-risk projects as it ensures tasks are clearly defined and closely monitored.
Question 15: If a project manager needs to build trust and respect among team members, which leadership style is most effective?
A) Directive
B) Laissez-Faire
C) Supportive
D) Autocratic
Explanation: A supportive leadership style helps build trust and respect by providing assistance and recognizing the team’s contributions.
Question 16: Which leadership style is best for a project manager who wants to involve team members in decision-making processes?
A) Directive
B) Supportive
C) Collaborative
D) Laissez-Faire
Explanation: A collaborative leadership style involves team members in decision-making processes, which helps in leveraging their expertise and building consensus.
Question 17: When dealing with a team that has diverse opinions and needs a unified direction, which leadership style should be adopted?
A) Directive
B) Collaborative
C) Laissez-Faire
D) Autocratic
Explanation: A directive leadership style provides a clear, unified direction for the team, helping to align diverse opinions and ensure focus.
Question 18: If a project team is experiencing frequent changes in leadership, what leadership style should be used to stabilize the situation?
A) Collaborative
B) Supportive
C) Directive
D) Laissez-Faire
Explanation: A supportive leadership style helps stabilize the team by providing consistent support and addressing any issues caused by frequent leadership changes.
Question 19: When a project requires quick, decisive action and there is no time for team discussion, what leadership style is most appropriate?
A) Collaborative
B) Laissez-Faire
C) Directive
D) Supportive
Explanation: In situations requiring quick decisions, a directive leadership style is appropriate as it involves making clear, fast decisions without extensive team discussion.
Question 20: For a team that is highly dependent on external stakeholders and needs regular feedback, which leadership style is most effective?
A) Directive
B) Supportive
C) Collaborative
D) Laissez-Faire
Explanation: A collaborative leadership style is effective for teams that depend on external feedback as it facilitates ongoing communication and cooperation with stakeholders.

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