PMP Exam - Lead the team - Analyze team members and stakeholders’ influence

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PMP Conflict Resolution Quiz
PMP Practice Questions
Question 1: A project manager notices that a key stakeholder is consistently providing ambiguous requirements. What should the project manager do to address this issue?
A) Ignore the ambiguity and proceed with the project.
B) Clarify the requirements through additional discussions and documentation.
C) Reassign the stakeholder to a different project.
D) Proceed with the project as planned and make adjustments later.
Explanation: The project manager should seek to clarify the ambiguous requirements to ensure that they fully understand what is needed and to prevent potential issues down the line.
Question 2: A team member often resists feedback and suggestions from the project manager. What influence strategy should the project manager use to improve the situation?
A) Implement strict deadlines to force compliance.
B) Use a collaborative approach to understand the team member’s perspective and address concerns.
C) Remove the team member from the project.
D) Give the team member less responsibility to reduce their influence.
Explanation: A collaborative approach helps understand the team member’s resistance and can lead to better engagement and solutions.
Question 3: How can a project manager assess the influence of a stakeholder who is not directly involved in the project but has a high level of authority?
A) By focusing solely on the stakeholder’s official communications.
B) By evaluating the stakeholder’s power and interest in the project.
C) By avoiding communication with the stakeholder to prevent conflicts.
D) By assuming the stakeholder’s influence is negligible.
Explanation: Evaluating a stakeholder’s power and interest helps understand their level of influence and how it might affect the project.
Question 4: A team member is a subject matter expert but frequently delays deliverables. What should the project manager consider to manage this situation effectively?
A) Replace the team member with someone more reliable.
B) Conduct a performance review to understand any underlying issues and provide support or training as needed.
C) Ignore the delays and proceed with the project as planned.
D) Increase the team member’s workload to accelerate deliverables.
Explanation: Conducting a performance review can reveal underlying issues and allow the project manager to provide necessary support or training.
Question 5: A project sponsor is frequently changing their mind about project priorities. What should the project manager do to manage this situation?
A) Follow every change without question.
B) Discuss the impact of the changes on the project scope, schedule, and budget, and seek agreement on a final set of priorities.
C) Ignore the sponsor’s changes and continue with the original plan.
D) Avoid discussing changes with the sponsor to prevent conflicts.
Explanation: Understanding the impact of changes and seeking agreement helps manage the sponsor’s influence while maintaining project stability.
Question 6: During a project meeting, a key stakeholder questions the project manager's decisions in front of the team. How should the project manager handle this situation?
A) Respond defensively to assert authority.
B) Address the stakeholder’s concerns privately after the meeting to avoid confrontation.
C) Ignore the stakeholder and continue with the meeting.
D) Publicly challenge the stakeholder’s authority to establish control.
Explanation: Addressing concerns privately helps maintain professionalism and resolve issues without escalating the situation.
Question 7: A team member is highly motivated by recognition but lacks technical skills. How should the project manager approach this situation?
A) Provide recognition for skills that are not yet developed.
B) Focus on skill development and provide recognition for progress and achievements.
C) Ignore the lack of skills and only provide recognition.
D) Reassign the team member to a less critical role.
Explanation: Focusing on skill development while providing recognition for progress motivates the team member and enhances their contribution.
Question 8: A stakeholder with a lot of influence is opposed to the project’s current approach. What is the best way for the project manager to address this?
A) Overrule the stakeholder and proceed with the current approach.
B) Engage the stakeholder in discussions to understand their concerns and explore possible adjustments or compromises.
C) Ignore the stakeholder’s opposition and continue with the approach.
D) Remove the stakeholder from the project to eliminate resistance.
Explanation: Engaging the stakeholder helps address their concerns and find a solution that aligns with their interests and the project’s objectives.
Question 9: When analyzing the influence of team members and stakeholders, which factor is most relevant?
A) Their length of tenure with the organization.
B) Their personal preferences and hobbies.
C) Their formal position in the organizational hierarchy.
D) Their level of formal education.
Explanation: Understanding a stakeholder’s formal position helps gauge their level of influence within the organization and on the project.
Question 10: A project manager is planning a strategy to manage stakeholder influence. What is the first step in developing this strategy?
A) Create a communication plan for all stakeholders.
B) Assess each stakeholder’s level of influence and their potential impact on the project.
C) Develop a conflict resolution strategy for potential disagreements.
D) Allocate resources based on stakeholder influence.
Explanation: Assessing each stakeholder’s level of influence and potential impact is essential for developing an effective strategy to manage their influence.
Question 11: The project manager decides to ignore a minor conflict between two team members, hoping it will resolve on its own. Which conflict resolution technique is being applied?
A) Forcing
B) Collaborating
C) Avoiding
D) Accommodating
Explanation: Avoiding is when the conflict is ignored or avoided, with the hope that it will resolve without direct intervention.
Question 12: When analyzing stakeholder influence, what should a project manager consider about a stakeholder’s level of engagement?
A) Only their formal role in the organization.
B) Their communication style and frequency of interactions.
C) Their ability to make decisions independently.
D) Their historical involvement in similar projects.
Explanation: A stakeholder’s communication style and frequency of interactions provide insight into their level of engagement and influence.
Question 13: A project manager needs to understand how a stakeholder’s influence might change over time. What is a key factor to consider?
A) The stakeholder’s initial project involvement.
B) The stakeholder’s evolving interests and power dynamics throughout the project.
C) The stakeholder’s level of enthusiasm at the project start.
D) The stakeholder’s job title and rank within the organization.
Explanation: Stakeholder influence can change based on evolving interests and power dynamics, which should be monitored throughout the project.
Question 14: A team member with significant influence is not aligning with the project’s goals. How should the project manager address this?
A) Reassign the team member to less critical tasks.
B) Engage in a one-on-one discussion to understand their perspective and align their efforts with project goals.
C) Increase their workload to encourage alignment.
D) Ignore the misalignment and focus on other team members.
Explanation: A one-on-one discussion helps address misalignment and find ways to better align the team member’s efforts with project goals.
Question 15: When evaluating stakeholder influence, which method is most effective for identifying the stakeholders’ power and interest levels?
A) Reviewing historical project documents.
B) Conducting a stakeholder analysis and mapping their power/interest.
C) Asking team members for their opinions on stakeholders.
D) Relying solely on the stakeholders’ formal titles.
Explanation: Conducting a stakeholder analysis and mapping their power/interest provides a structured approach to understanding their influence.
Question 16: A project manager is planning a strategy to manage stakeholder influence. What is the first step in developing this strategy?
A) Create a communication plan for all stakeholders.
B) Assess each stakeholder’s level of influence and their potential impact on the project.
C) Develop a conflict resolution strategy for potential disagreements.
D) Allocate resources based on stakeholder influence.
Explanation: Assessing each stakeholder’s level of influence and potential impact is essential for developing an effective strategy to manage their influence.
Question 17: A stakeholder is frequently absent from project meetings, impacting their ability to influence decisions. What should the project manager do?
A) Continue with meetings as scheduled and make decisions without the stakeholder.
B) Reschedule meetings to accommodate the stakeholder’s availability.
C) Document the stakeholder’s absences and proceed without their input.
D) Communicate the importance of their presence and seek to involve them more actively.
Explanation: Communicating the importance of their presence helps ensure the stakeholder remains engaged and able to provide valuable input.
Question 18: A project manager finds that a highly influential stakeholder is not supportive of a key project deliverable. What should be the project manager’s approach?
A) Proceed with the deliverable regardless of the stakeholder’s support.
B) Engage the stakeholder in discussions to understand their concerns and seek solutions to address their objections.
C) Remove the stakeholder from the project team.
D) Ignore the stakeholder’s opinion and focus on other aspects of the project.
Explanation: Engaging the stakeholder helps understand their concerns and find solutions that address their objections while maintaining project alignment.
Question 19: A project manager notices tension between two team members that is affecting the team's performance. How should the project manager handle this situation?
A) Ignore the tension and focus on other tasks.
B) Address the issue directly with the team member and mediate to resolve conflicts.
C) Reassign the team member to a different team.
D) Increase the team member’s responsibilities to distract from the tension.
Explanation: Addressing the issue directly and mediating conflicts helps resolve the tension and maintain a positive team environment.
Question 20: In a project with multiple stakeholders, what is an effective way to manage their varying levels of influence?
A) Treat all stakeholders equally in all communications and decisions.
B) Prioritize communication and engagement based on their level of influence and interest.
C) Focus only on the most influential stakeholders and ignore others.
D) Avoid involving stakeholders with low influence to streamline the project.
Explanation: Prioritizing communication and engagement based on stakeholders' levels of influence and interest ensures effective management and alignment with project goals.

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