PMP Exam - Interpret the source and stage of the conflict

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PMP Conflict Resolution Quiz
PMP Practice Questions
Question 1: What is the primary source of the conflict when team members disagree on the design approach?
A) Personal differences
B) Project priorities
C) Technical opinions
D) Administrative procedures
Explanation: The conflict arises due to differing opinions on the design approach, indicating that the source of the conflict is technical in nature.
Question 2: During which stage of conflict are disagreements openly discussed and addressed?
A) Problem-solving
B) Confrontation
C) Compromise
D) Escalation
Explanation: The disagreement is direct and open, which characterizes the confrontation stage of conflict.
Question 3: If a conflict arises because one team member feels overburdened with tasks, what is likely the source of this conflict?
A) Communication issues
B) Resource allocation
C) Interpersonal relationships
D) Role definition
Explanation: The conflict arises due to perceived imbalances in workload, which is related to how resources are allocated.
Question 4: A team member feels frustrated about the project’s direction but hasn’t voiced concerns. What stage of conflict is this?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: The team member’s frustration indicates they are emotionally affected, which corresponds to the "felt" stage of conflict.
Question 5: What should be the first step when a project manager identifies a conflict in the team?
A) Ignore it
B) Escalate to senior management
C) Identify the source and stage of conflict
D) Reassign the tasks
Explanation: Understanding the root cause and stage of the conflict is crucial for effective resolution.
Question 6: A disagreement between team members has become public and is affecting the project’s progress. What stage of conflict is this?
A) The conflict is in the latent stage, as it’s not yet open.
B) The conflict is in the manifest stage, as it’s visible and open.
C) The conflict is in the perceived stage, as it’s just beginning.
D) The conflict is in the resolution stage, as it’s being resolved.
Explanation: Since the conflict is open and visible, it is in the manifest stage.
Question 7: A stakeholder openly expresses concerns about the project’s timeline. What stage of conflict does this represent?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: The stakeholder's open expression of concerns indicates that the conflict is in the manifest stage.
Question 8: What action should a project manager take if they notice team members frequently misunderstanding each other’s objectives?
A) Reprimand the team members
B) Clarify the project objectives
C) Escalate the issue
D) Replace one of the team members
Explanation: Misunderstandings are often resolved by providing clarity on objectives, reducing the likelihood of continued conflict.
Question 9: What is the best method for a project manager to determine the root cause of a conflict among team members?
A) Conduct a team meeting
B) Interview each team member separately
C) Review the project scope and deliverables
D) Conduct a root cause analysis
Explanation: Root cause analysis helps identify the underlying factors contributing to the conflict.
Question 10: A team member believes that another team member’s actions are causing project delays, but no one has voiced concerns yet. What stage of conflict is this?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: The conflict is in the perceived stage as it’s recognized but not yet openly addressed.
Question 11: The project manager decides to ignore a minor conflict between two team members, hoping it will resolve on its own. Which conflict resolution technique is being applied?
A) Forcing
B) Collaborating
C) Avoiding
D) Accommodating
Explanation: Avoiding is when the conflict is ignored or avoided, with the hope that it will resolve without direct intervention.
Question 12: A conflict over project priorities arises when team members have differing views on what should be prioritized. What is the most likely source of this conflict?
A) Role ambiguity
B) Resource constraints
C) Project priorities
D) Communication breakdowns
Explanation: The disagreement on task priority indicates a conflict related to project priorities.
Question 13: What stage of conflict is most critical to address to prevent escalation?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: Addressing the conflict during the perceived stage can prevent it from escalating to more serious stages.
Question 14: What is a common source of conflict when team members have unclear roles?
A) Role ambiguity
B) Resource allocation
C) Communication issues
D) Technical opinions
Explanation: When roles are not clearly defined, it often leads to conflicts due to role ambiguity.
Question 15: A project manager wants to address a conflict before it becomes manifest. What is the earliest stage they can intervene?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: The perceived stage is when the conflict is recognized but has not yet escalated, allowing for early intervention.
Question 16: A project manager notices subtle tension between team members but no one has openly expressed any issues. What stage is this conflict likely in?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: Intervening during the perceived stage can prevent the conflict from escalating to the felt or manifest stages.
Question 17: A team member expresses frustration over a decision, but no action has been taken. What stage of conflict is this?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: The emotional response of the team member indicates that the conflict has reached the felt stage.
Question 18: Team members disagree on the testing process for a project deliverable. What is the source of this conflict?
A) Role ambiguity
B) Technical opinions
C) Project priorities
D) Resource allocation
Explanation: The disagreement over the testing process suggests that the conflict stems from needs and technical opinions.
Question 19: A team member avoids interaction with another team member, causing friction within the team. What is likely the source of this conflict?
A) Interpersonal relationships
B) Resource allocation
C) Project priorities
D) Role ambiguity
Explanation: The avoidance behavior indicates that the conflict is likely due to interpersonal issues.
Question 20: A conflict that has been simmering for some time has suddenly escalated and is openly discussed in team meetings. What stage of conflict is this?
A) Latent
B) Perceived
C) Felt
D) Manifest
Explanation: As the conflict escalates and becomes more open, it is moving towards the manifest stage.

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