PMP Exam - Empower team members and stakeholders-Evaluate demonstration of task accountability

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PMP Conflict Resolution Quiz
PMP Practice Questions
Question 1: What is a key indicator that a team member is demonstrating task accountability?
A) Completing tasks without guidance
B) Regularly updating task status in the project management tool
C) Delegating tasks to others
D) Avoiding feedback sessions
Explanation: Regular updates on task status show that a team member is taking responsibility and keeping stakeholders informed about progress.
Question 2: How can a project manager evaluate if a team member is accountable for their tasks?
A) By assessing their compliance with deadlines
B) By checking their attendance record
C) By reviewing their weekly work hours
D) By monitoring their email communication
Explanation: Meeting deadlines is a direct reflection of a team member’s accountability for their assigned tasks.
Question 3: Which action best demonstrates accountability from a project team member?
A) Proactively seeking feedback on their work
B) Minimizing interactions with other team members
C) Avoiding responsibility for mistakes
D) Frequently changing project goals
Explanation: Seeking feedback shows a willingness to improve and take responsibility for task outcomes.
Question 4: When evaluating task accountability, what should a project manager look for in team member communications?
A) Use of jargon
B) Frequency of communication
C) Clarity and transparency in updates
D) Formality in language
Explanation: Clear and transparent updates indicate that the team member is aware of their responsibilities and is openly communicating their progress and challenges.
Question 5: A team member consistently meets deadlines but their work quality is inconsistent. What should a project manager do?
A) Praise them for meeting deadlines
B) Ignore the quality issues as long as deadlines are met
C) Address the quality issues and provide support for improvement
D) Reassign their tasks to others
Explanation: Meeting deadlines is important, but quality is also critical. Addressing quality issues helps ensure overall project success.
Question 6: What should a project manager do if a team member frequently fails to update task status?
A) Provide additional training on the project management tool
B) Ignore the issue and continue with the project
C) Reassign their tasks to another team member
D) Give them a warning without further action
Explanation: Training can help the team member understand the importance of updates and how to use the tool effectively.
Question 7: In a project team, how can accountability be encouraged among team members?
A) By setting clear expectations and deadlines
B) By assigning more tasks to each member
C) By reducing the frequency of team meetings
D) By limiting communication between team members
Explanation: Clear expectations and deadlines help team members understand their responsibilities and the importance of meeting them.
Question 8: Which behavior is NOT a sign of task accountability in a project team member?
A) Reporting issues as soon as they arise
B) Taking ownership of mistakes and learning from them
C) Consistently missing deadlines without valid reasons
D) Completing tasks as per agreed standards
Explanation: Avoiding responsibility indicates a lack of accountability, as accountable team members address and manage challenges proactively.
Question 9: What role does regular feedback play in task accountability?
A) It creates additional work for team members
B) It helps identify areas for improvement and reinforces accountability
C) It is only necessary during the project review phase
D) It reduces the need for detailed task tracking
Explanation: Regular feedback helps team members understand their performance and areas where they need to improve, thus reinforcing accountability.
Question 10: How can a project manager support a team member who is struggling to meet their deadlines?
A) By providing additional resources and guidance
B) By reducing their task load without further support
C) By criticizing their performance in front of the team
D) By assigning the tasks to someone else
Explanation: Providing resources and guidance can help the team member overcome obstacles and improve their ability to meet deadlines.
Question 11: The project manager decides to ignore a minor conflict between two team members, hoping it will resolve on its own. Which conflict resolution technique is being applied?
A) Forcing
B) Collaborating
C) Avoiding
D) Accommodating
Explanation: Avoiding is when the conflict is ignored or avoided, with the hope that it will resolve without direct intervention.
Question 12: What is an example of demonstrating accountability in handling project changes?
A) Ignoring changes and continuing with the original plan
B) Acknowledging the changes and adjusting the plan accordingly
C) Complaining about the changes to other team members
D) Delegating the change management to others without involvement
Explanation: Demonstrating accountability involves recognizing changes and adapting plans to ensure project success.
Question 13: Which action is indicative of a lack of accountability in a project team member?
A) Taking initiative to resolve issues
B) Fulfilling tasks as per the agreed-upon schedule
C) Consistently missing deadlines without valid reasons
D) Seeking clarification when needed
Explanation: Missing deadlines regularly without valid reasons indicates a lack of accountability for assigned tasks.
Question 14: How can a project manager ensure that team members are held accountable for their tasks?
A) By establishing a clear system for tracking task progress
B) By limiting their involvement in project meetings
C) By allowing them to choose their own deadlines
D) By avoiding regular performance evaluations
Explanation: A tracking system helps monitor task progress and ensures that team members are accountable for their responsibilities.
Question 15: What is a benefit of involving team members in setting their own task deadlines?
A) It reduces their sense of accountability
B) It may lead to unrealistic deadlines
C) It can increase their commitment and accountability
D) It eliminates the need for performance reviews
Explanation: When team members are involved in setting their own deadlines, they are more likely to feel a sense of ownership and commitment to meeting them.
Question 16: What should a project manager do if a team member frequently misses deadlines but delivers high-quality work?
A) Ignore the deadlines and focus on the quality of work
B) Address the issue of missed deadlines while recognizing the quality of work
C) Reassign tasks to ensure deadlines are met
D) Reduce the team member’s workload to alleviate pressure
Explanation: While quality is important, meeting deadlines is also critical. Addressing both aspects helps maintain overall project balance.
Question 17: Which of the following is NOT a recommended practice for evaluating task accountability?
A) Regularly reviewing task progress with the team
B) Providing detailed feedback on task performance
C) Overlooking minor issues to avoid conflict
D) Setting clear and measurable performance criteria
Explanation: Overlooking issues can lead to bigger problems. Addressing all issues, including minor ones, helps ensure accountability.
Question 18: What is a good strategy to enhance team members’ sense of accountability?
A) Providing autonomy while setting clear expectations
B) Micromanaging every aspect of their tasks
C) Avoiding direct communication about task performance
D) Setting vague deadlines to give flexibility
Explanation: Autonomy with clear expectations helps team members take ownership of their tasks while understanding their responsibilities.
Question 19: How can a project manager support a team member who is struggling with task accountability?
A) By offering additional resources and guidance
B) By assigning more tasks to motivate them
C) By reducing their responsibilities to lower their stress
D) By avoiding direct feedback to prevent discouragement
Explanation: Providing support and resources can help the team member overcome challenges and improve their accountability.
Question 20: What is an effective way to ensure task accountability in a remote team?
A) Using project management tools to track progress and communicate
B) Relying solely on email for communication
C) Avoiding regular check-ins to give team members flexibility
D) Allowing team members to set their own work hours without oversight
Explanation: Project management tools facilitate tracking, communication, and collaboration, which helps maintain accountability in a remote team.

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