PMP Exam - Empower team members and stakeholders -Support team task accountability

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PMP Conflict Resolution Quiz
PMP Practice Questions
Question 1: What is a key benefit of empowering team members in a project?
A) Reduced workload for the project manager
B) Increased team member accountability
C) Decreased project budget
D) Simplified communication processes
Explanation: Empowering team members often leads to increased accountability because they take ownership of their tasks and responsibilities.
Question 2: Which technique helps ensure team members are accountable for their tasks?
A) Delegation of authority
B) Detailed reporting requirements
C) Regular team meetings
D) Clear definition of roles and responsibilities
Explanation: Clearly defining roles and responsibilities helps team members understand their specific duties, leading to greater accountability.
Question 3: How can a project manager support team task accountability?
A) By micromanaging every task
B) By setting up a detailed project schedule
C) By providing resources and support for team members
D) By limiting team member access to project documents
Explanation: Supporting team members with the necessary resources and guidance helps them stay accountable for their tasks.
Question 4: What is one way to encourage team members to take ownership of their tasks?
A) Assigning tasks without input
B) Encouraging regular feedback and collaboration
C) Keeping decision-making centralized
D) Avoiding discussions about performance
Explanation: Regular feedback and collaboration help team members feel involved and responsible for their tasks.
Question 5: Which of the following is NOT a method for empowering team members?
A) Providing training and development opportunities
B) Allowing team members to make decisions
C) Setting clear expectations and goals
D) Making all decisions without consulting the team
Explanation: Empowerment involves involving team members in decision-making rather than making all decisions for them.
Question 6: What is a common challenge when trying to empower team members?
A) Excessive control over their work
B) Lack of access to project resources
C) Resistance to change
D) Over-communication
Explanation: Team members may resist empowerment if they are not accustomed to taking on more responsibility or if they feel uncertain about the change.
Question 7: What is the role of accountability in team performance?
A) It creates stress and pressure
B) It enhances motivation and performance
C) It limits creativity
D) It reduces the need for oversight
Explanation: Accountability can enhance motivation and performance by giving team members a sense of ownership over their work.
Question 8: How should a project manager handle missed deadlines to maintain accountability?
A) Ignore the issue to avoid conflict
B) Reassign the task immediately
C) Discuss the issue with the team member and understand the reasons
D) Set stricter deadlines without feedback
Explanation: Discussing missed deadlines with the team member helps address any issues and reinforces accountability without resorting to punitive measures.
Question 9: What is an effective way to provide feedback to team members on their task performance?
A) Deliver feedback in a formal review meeting only
B) Provide immediate, constructive feedback in private
C) Avoid giving feedback unless absolutely necessary
D) Focus only on the negative aspects of their performance
Explanation: Immediate and constructive feedback helps team members understand and improve their performance while maintaining accountability.
Question 10: How can project managers use goal-setting to support team task accountability?
A) Set vague and general goals
B) Use SMART goals to provide clear and achievable targets
C) Focus solely on the end goals without interim milestones
D) Set goals without involving team members
Explanation: SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) provide clear and attainable targets that support accountability.
Question 11: The project manager decides to ignore a minor conflict between two team members, hoping it will resolve on its own. Which conflict resolution technique is being applied?
A) Forcing
B) Collaborating
C) Avoiding
D) Accommodating
Explanation: Avoiding is when the conflict is ignored or avoided, with the hope that it will resolve without direct intervention.
Question 12: What is an important aspect of building trust within a team to support accountability?
A) Withholding information from team members
B) Consistently following through on promises
C) Only sharing success stories
D) Avoiding discussions about challenges
Explanation: Building trust through consistent follow-through helps create a reliable environment where team members feel accountable.
Question 13: Which of the following practices is most likely to undermine team accountability?
A) Regularly recognizing individual and team achievements
B) Providing clear instructions and expectations
C) Frequently changing project goals and requirements
D) Holding team members responsible for their tasks
Explanation: Frequently changing project goals and requirements can undermine accountability by creating confusion and shifting focus.
Question 14: What is the benefit of involving team members in the decision-making process?
A) It reduces their workload
B) It increases their commitment and accountability
C) It eliminates the need for a project manager
D) It simplifies project tasks
Explanation: Involving team members in decision-making increases their sense of ownership and accountability towards the project.
Question 15: How should a project manager address a situation where a team member consistently underperforms?
A) Ignore the performance issues
B) Reprimand the team member publicly
C) Provide additional support and training to the team member
D) Remove the team member from the project immediately
Explanation: Providing support and training helps address performance issues constructively, promoting accountability and improvement.
Question 16: What role does effective communication play in team accountability?
A) It has little impact on accountability
B) It helps clarify expectations and responsibilities
C) It complicates task completion
D) It primarily serves to build rapport only
Explanation: Effective communication ensures that team members understand their roles and responsibilities, which supports accountability.
Question 17: Which strategy can help a team member improve their accountability for a specific task?
A) Setting a deadline without further input
B) Providing regular progress updates and check-ins
C) Reassigning the task to someone else
D) Avoiding follow-ups to prevent pressure
Explanation: Regular progress updates and check-ins help keep team members focused and accountable for their tasks.
Question 18: What should a project manager do if a team member exceeds expectations?
A) Ignore the achievement
B) Publicly praise and reward the team member
C) Reassign their task to someone else
D) Increase their workload without acknowledgment
Explanation: Public praise and rewards reinforce positive behavior and accountability, motivating the team member and others.
Question 19: What is the impact of clearly defined deliverables on team accountability?
A) It reduces the need for accountability
B) It helps team members understand what is expected
C) It makes tracking progress more difficult
D) It limits the flexibility of task execution
Explanation: Clearly defined deliverables provide a clear understanding of what is expected, which enhances accountability.
Question 20: How can a project manager support team members in meeting their responsibilities?
A) By setting unrealistic expectations
B) By providing tools, training, and clear instructions
C) By avoiding direct involvement in task management
D) By frequently changing project goals
Explanation: Providing the necessary tools, training, and clear instructions supports team members in meeting their responsibilities effectively.

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