Types of meridians

 Meridians are lines of longitude that run from the North Pole to the South Pole and define the position of a location on the earth's surface based on its angular distance from the Prime Meridian. There are several types of meridians:

1. Prime Meridian: The Prime Meridian, also known as the Greenwich Meridian, is the reference meridian from which all other longitudes are measured. It is defined as 0° longitude and passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

2. East and West Meridians: Meridians are generally referred to as either east or west of the Prime Meridian based on their angular distance from it. East meridians are located to the east of the Prime Meridian and west meridians are located to the west.

3. Normal Meridian: A normal meridian is a meridian that is perpendicular to the equator at all points along its path.

4. Artificial Meridian: An artificial meridian is a meridian that is established for a specific purpose, such as for surveying or mapping, and may not coincide with the natural position of the earth's meridians.

Each meridian represents a unique longitudinal coordinate that is used to accurately locate positions on the earth's surface. The precise measurement of meridians is important for a variety of applications, including navigation, mapping, and geographic information systems (GIS).


True meridian 

A true meridian is a meridian of longitude that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is defined as a line that passes through the earth's center and is perpendicular to the equator. The true meridian provides an accurate and reliable reference for determining the position of a location on the earth's surface based on its angular distance from the Prime Meridian. The true meridian is used as a reference for astronomical observations, navigation, and surveying, as well as for determining time zones and mapping the earth's surface. The accurate measurement and use of true meridians is essential for ensuring the accuracy of geographical and positional information.


Magnetic meridian 

The magnetic meridian is a line of longitude that is defined by the direction of the magnetic field of the earth at a particular location. The magnetic field of the earth causes a compass needle to align along a north-south axis, and this direction defines the local magnetic meridian. The magnetic meridian is not a fixed line, as the earth's magnetic field is subject to change over time due to various factors such as solar activity and the movement of molten iron in the earth's core.

In surveying and navigation, the magnetic meridian is used as a reference for determining the direction of magnetic north, which can then be used to find true north through the process of magnetic declination correction. The magnetic meridian is also used in aeronautical navigation, as it provides a convenient reference for determining the heading of an aircraft.

It is important to note that the magnetic meridian is not the same as the true meridian, as the magnetic field of the earth is subject to changes and variations that can result in differences between the two meridians. The difference between the magnetic meridian and the true meridian is referred to as magnetic declination.

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